Realized Projects

DeLaval SG milking parlor and sheep farm equipment
DeLaval SG milking parlor and sheep farm equipment

In the newly built sheep farm, the Agritop team implements a DELAVAL SG Parallel 2x24 Midiline sheep milking parlor with a real-time herd identification and management system with the DeLaval DelPro software program.
The milking system includes a high-quality vacuum pump and washer and is equipped with a real-time herd identification and management system with DeLaval DelPro software.
DeLaval vacuum systems ensure that vacuum regulators, pulsators and appliances function optimally in a smooth and precise milking process, thanks to the stable vacuum level.

The equipment in the sheep farm includes:

  • Automated roller doors;
  • Individual drinkers with central heater;
  • Facade and interior doors with metal frame of galvanized profile, filling of high quality plywood and exterior cladding with wood;
  • Automated robots (artificial mothers) for lambs;